Monday, January 18, 2010

suggestion for ERN's 'Save the Earth Convention' proposal

suggestion for ERN's 'Save the Earth Convention' proposal

Dear Jean, Dear Friends.
Thank you for updates to the exciting Save the Earth proposal.

You've shared some stimulating feedback on communication methods, fiscal & social restructuring, lifestyle changes & community gatherings.  We've read your updates and ask you to consider an additional suggestion.

We are a consortium of grassroots researchers in over 90 countries exploring properties and benefits of a "newly discovered" – or re-discovered – group of minerals that appear to be essential to the life and health of all plants and animals. These minerals have been concentrated from air, water and soil.  They are particularly easy to concentrate from sea water using the method described at:

This page also provides links demonstrating the benefit of these materials to plant growth.


In an eroded age, when these minerals have been largely displaced, the restoration of optimally bioavailable essential minerals is vital across all terrains on scales large to small. We suggest that you consider encouraging your readers in these important methods of re-skilling & re-localizing, grounding good purpose in practical & useful learning. A veritable encylopedia of open-source information is offered free of charge as tutelage & peer support in these sustainable technologies – meaningfully re-connecting people with one another, with their food sources and their animal companions.  Our outreach has been ongoing for more than 10 years.


Helpful methods and materials are discussed at The processes are also available as recipes in hard copy as Ormus: Modern Day Alchemy (a primer of Ormus collection processes).  See


Wouldn't it be great if farmers could collect their own salt from the sea and use it to achieve all of the benefits that GM has promised? Suppose any farmer could take raw sea salt and grow walnuts like the ones shown at:

What if similarly useful material could be harmlessly precipitated from local rock?


Suppose any farmer could double the depth of topsoil in one year using easily concentrated minerals as illustrated at:


Many benefits for animals have also been observed. You can find links to these benefits at:


We hypothesize that these minerals improve intercellular communication in ways that Dr. Mae-Wan Ho has described at:

and at:


In support of the greener "green revolution".


With kindest regards,

Mary G. West, assisting

Barry Carter


2319 Balm, Baker City , Oregon 97814

Phone: 541-523-3357

Web Pages:


Forest -

Donate -


"What you think upon grows. Whatever you allow to occupy your mind you magnify in your life. Whether the subject of your thought be good or bad, the law works and the condition grows. Any subject that you keep out of your mind tends to diminish in your life, because what you do not use atrophies. The more you think of grievances, the more such trials you will continue to receive; the more you think of the good fortune you have had, the more good fortune will come to you."

        --Emmet Fox from Make Your Life Worthwhile, 1942



replying to:

--- On Sun, 1/17/10, Jean Hudon <> wrote:

Subject: [earthrainbownetwork] UPDATE #1 on the 'Save the Earth Convention' proposal
Date: Sunday, January 17, 2010, 1:25 AM

Hello everysoul!



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